Fibre Cement

Cristini designs and manufactures a full range of felts for the fibre cement
industry for producing roofing, planks, sidings, panel and pipes.
Our range of fibre cement felts includes over 40 different designs including
fabrics and stainless steel cylinder wires.
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Fibre Cement

Fibre cement
Cristini designs and manufactures a full range of felts for the fibre cement industry for producing roofing, planks, sidings, panel and pipes. Our range of fibre cement felts includes over 40 different designs including fabrics and stainless steel cylinder wires.

S.A. Giuseppe Cristini S.p.A.| via Bombardieri, 5 | 24020 Fiorano al Serio (BG) Italy | P.IVA IT00726460157 | [email protected]| Cookie policy | Whistleblowing